La Voix des Victimes - AfVT

A video campaign featuring the stories of survivors of terrorism and violent extremism.

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The Association française des Victimes du Terrorisme (AfVT) is an organisation based in Paris that provides support and resources for survivors of terrorism. In 2015, AfVT launched a video campaign, La Voix des Victimes, to amplify the voices of survivors and share their stories in order to counter dehumanising extremist narratives. 

The videos feature survivors from around the world whose lives were changed by terrorism and violent extremism. They address different kinds of violent extremism and span a variety of ideologies and groups. The video campaign focuses on the shared experience of survivors – voices and stories that extremists have been unable to silence. AfVT hopes that these powerful stories will resonate with youth globally and foster greater resilience to extremist narratives by highlighting the real consequences of extremist violence. For their online campaign, AfVT reduced the length of their videos from 8-10 minutes to around 1-2 minutes to make them more suitable for social media.

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